Kinder than Necessary

In the book Wonder the middle school director, Mr. Tushman, asks, “How do you measure kindness?”  I find this to be an interesting question.  It is not something I put a lot of thought into on a regular basis because life gets so busy.  But when you take the time to stop and think it leads to all sorts of ideas.  Do you measure kindness in the way somebody makes you feel when they do something nice for you?  Do you measure kindness on a scale?  I measure kindness in the way I feel when I am kind and when I receive kindness.  I have so many friends and family members who have done lovely things for me that I try to reciprocate as often as possible.  It can be such a simple thing too…just a wee note in a card or a kind word.  Those actually mean the most to me.  They don’t have to cost any money but it is the amount of thought or feeling that somebody puts into it.

One day I was at the gas station putting gas into my car.  I was standing at the pump minding my own business.  I was dressed for work (I was a secretary for a district manager at Farmers Insurance at the time)…just a simple pencil skirt and top.  This woman walks up to me, goes out of her way, to tell me how pretty I look.  It made me feel amazing.  It was such a simple kindness that boosted my confidence.

I think people think that it is difficult to be kind, that they have to make a special effort.  But you don’t.  It is one of the easiest gifts to give.  Pay somebody a compliment, help somebody pick up something they dropped, hold the door for somebody, write a wee note to somebody that you appreciate, just smile at somebody.  It doesn’t take much but it means the world to the person who receives it.

One thought on “Kinder than Necessary

  1. Hello, I am Chris, a student from Etiwanda High School. I thoroughly enjoyed your blog it was well composed and a great read. Good luck on your journey.

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