
My word of intention for 2024 is time!

I want to be able to prioritize my time in a way that best suits my personality. I know that I need down time at the weekend and after I get home from work. Being over-scheduled makes me super cranky and I don’t feel rested. I know that I need time to sleep in, read my current book, watch telly, and get things done around my house. I need time to be able to shut off from work and rest my brain so that I am ready and recharged for the week ahead.

I want to prioritize time with my family and friends. I feel that sometimes I don’t spend enough time with them and I definitely do not want to have regrets in that department. Building relationships and having fun together and supporting one another is important for a healthy life. I am going to put time into creating social events with family and friends to make more lasting memories.

I want to be able to put the appropriate amount of time into my career. I love what I do, but sometimes I spend too much time at school. I want to be more efficient with my time. When I have a list of things to accomplish such as grading, planning the weeks ahead, or other school related tasks, I need to focus and use my time wisely. I am very good at getting distracted and socializing with my friends. While I said I want to spend more time with my friends, I don’t mean when I have work to get done. I want to be able to leave my classroom at a reasonable hour so I have time at home. Time at home also means time with family and friends whether at my home or theirs.

Prioritizing my time this year is definitely going to be my focus so I can be a better me!