One of the Best Years

This year has been one for the books! I have had an amazing time! The best kids, the most laughing, and great times with my work family! One of my favourite things about this year is the kids themselves present and past. I feel like I have built stronger relationships with them and gotten to know them better as humans. My school babies are the best. We talk about shared interests, and I like learning about things they do and what they love outside of school. Maintaining past relationships with my school babies is important to me too and so I have been to games and other events to support their passions. I have laughed more this year than in recent memory! The kids are just too funny…they say funny things, they share fun stories, and I genuinely enjoy their company. I look forward to seeing them everyday. My work family is awesome! They are so supportive and I love seeing them everyday. A group of us eat lunch together in my room and we share struggles and support one another but we mostly just laugh and have a good time. We also hang out outside of school and one of my favourite memories is suprising Nichole with going to see Hairspray at Segerstrom for her birthday! It really has been a great year and one I will remember for a long, long time.