
I can tell already it is going to be a very good year!

I am excited for the students to start blogging.  Every Wednesday the students will write to a wee prompt or have a free write experience.  You will notice a difference in their writing from the beginning of the year to the end as their stamina will be built and they will be able to write more content.  I like having the students write freely without going through the writing process sometimes as it allows them just to write and see where their brain takes them.

When we join the Global Read Aloud at the beginning of October, I will also be having students respond to questions in their blog so that I can attach our classroom blog to my Twitter feed and get the students a wider audience for their writing.  It will be exciting to see where this experience takes us and what worldly connections we will make.

In the spring, when the students are working on their 20% Project, they will be blogging their weekly progress.  This is for me to monitor and for you to interact with them.  It’s an exciting time!

I encourage you to leave comments and have a dialogue about what they have written.  If you do leave a comment, please do not include a last name.  We want to keep identifiers to a minimum…good internet safety. 🙂

Here we goooooo!!!!

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